Analytics service
o Support clients to make decision on complex issues by designing and applying optimal approaches and
analyzing relevant data set to solve them
o Identify market opportunities by collaborating with sales team and refine client’s needs & requirements
by analyzing internal & external databases
(i.e. R&D landscaping, performance analysis, emerging area derivation, etc)
o Coordinate scoping, pricing, and proposing for consulting projects while monitoring a progress of work
as well as guiding a delivery done by global team
o Write and prepare publications and white papers to strategically influence the markets on value of
targeted analytic services
Solutions (DB/Tool)
o Engages in pre-sales consultative relationships to help potential customers understand how they can use
and benefit from Solutions/Products regarding Scientific & Scholarly Research, Patent, News, etc.
o Closely observe the competition landscape on international/regional competitors
o Act as liaison between sales, customer support, marketing team in order to coordinate comprehensive
support activities for IP Solutions/Products towards client serving
o Write and prepare presentations for presentation at high level industry conferences and exhibitions for
Intellectual Property Solutions
• 업무: 다양한 DB를 분석하여 고객들이 전략, 정책, 기타 주요 의사결정에 등에 활용할 수 있도록
주요 Insight을 도출하고 이를 근거로 컨설팅 하는 Position
• 주요 고객: 국가 R&D 정책 기관, 연구소, 대학교, 기업
• 분석대상 : 학술정보 DB, 특허 DB, Market DB 등
• 업무 Skill set
- 다양한 분야에서의 Data 분석 업무 수행 경험자.
- XML Data handling, SQL, DBMS 사용 경험자(보통 정도 수준도 괜찮음)
- Good English Skill (Global & Asia Region과 협력 필요한 position)
- 분석 툴 사용 경험은 (SAS, SPSS, R 등) 면접 시 plus로 고려될 수 있음. (필수는 아님)
- Data 분석에 기반한 전략/정책 수립 or 컨설팅 경험은 plus로 고려될 수 있음.
- Data 분석, IT 시스템 개발 프로젝트 경험도 plus로 고려될 수 있음.